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Life Skool Youth Leadership Leadership Conference


1. Leadership Identification

• Family Dynamics
• Communication Skills
• Personal Accountability

2. Self- Empowerment

• Spirituality 
• Financial Literacy
• Discovering Life Purpose

3. Conflict Resolution

• Environmental Factors
• Perspective Thinking
• Character Development

Over 1.2 million students drop out of high school annually in the United States. This number means that one student every 26 seconds, or 7,000 students per day, does not complete high school. In addition, U.S. high school dropouts commit over 65% of all crimes. Out of that population, roughly 90% will return to their respective communities. Knowing this problem needs solutions, we must work to create youth leaders for today! Understanding the importance of leadership, we have developed a four-day, uniformed, curriculum-based conference that allows teens to be immersed in a dynamic, empowering learning environment and exposed to strong educational and community leaders. Life Skool Youth Leadership Conference is a proven blueprint that provides young adult males positive alternatives to gangs, violence, and dropping out of school while developing their leadership skills and exposing them to higher educational opportunities.

By enrolling, students will develop the tools of conflict resolution, self-empowerment, and leadership identification. Studies have shown these skills can reduce the appeal of criminal activity and prevent a revolving door in the criminal justice system. Students will be given a community engagement leadership project that will impact a specific issue in their community. During the last session of the conference, students will provide a State of the Union speech to their peers and community leaders. This speech will be videotaped. It holds them accountable and gives them something tangible to turn toward in times of difficulty while they pursue their action plan and move forward as leaders in their respective communities. In addition, students will receive many takeaways and be allowed to sign up for a consistent community mentor who will put forth the right kind of love, attention, and care to ensure each child is given a fair chance to live a productive life as an adult. Participants enrolled will become members of our nationwide youth organizational family. We Create Leaders of Today!


1. Improve youth’s life skills, including leadership, self-empowerment, communication, conflict resolution, team building, and trust.
2. Inspire students to become ambassadors of community leadership.
3. Increase youth’s awareness of personal responsibility for their choices.
4. Increase the perception of healthy lifestyles and a sense of purpose and future.
5. Meet youth needs


1. Be between the ages of 11-17.
2. Be willing to receive the help that will change your life and future success.
3. Completed application along with health,liability and photo waiver.


1. Sweat Suit for a community engagement project
2. Full workout gear for physical training that includes
A. Personal gym shoes for running
B. Fitted gym shorts, shirt, and socks
C. Water bottle
3. Personalized video-taped State of The Union Speech
4. Personalized autographed book “A Chance To…,” with a special message from Mr. Darius Pettway
5. A renewed belief system that will unlock their hidden potential